13 Tips For Employers Looking To Hire Fresh Talent

The best time to capture talent is right after they graduate. Hiring promising grad talent is a good strategy to bring in fresh, innovative ideas, which has worked out for several corporate giants. However, as with all techniques for growing a business's talent pool, it comes with its own pitfalls, and making a wrong hire can have severe consequences for an organization. Companies need this new blood to continue providing top quality services and products for their clients. But how does a company ensure that it lands the best talent to fit its existing ideals?

In this Forbes Human Resources Council article, Jay Polaki, HR Geckos' Founder and CEO, shares tips for employers looking to hire fresh talent.

fresh talent

Create short video bites of why your top talent loves working for your company. Showcase how internships have fostered full-time careers which in turn are fueled by continuous learning opportunities. Recent graduates offer myriad accomplishments. Assess new hires on top three grad accomplishments that jive with your company's values. Use career stories to whet and net the right talent.

Learn more from Jay and her fellow Forbes Human Resources Council members on how does a company ensure that it lands the best talent to fit its existing ideals

To read the full article, click here.

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