14 Noteworthy Aspects Of Digital Transformation In HR

Human resources departments have had to move with the times, and that usually means embracing digital transformation. Unfortunately, since most of the processes in HR have been unchanged for a long time, this transformation usually means a switch in how the department does things. HR managers and staff alike now need to approach things less tangibly and think in terms of remote connections and engagement. Getting to grips with a change of this magnitude means knowing the most critical aspects that affect the department.

In this Forbes Human Resources Council article, Jay Polaki, HR Geckos' Founder and CEO, shares noteworthy aspects of digital transformation in HR

The consumer-grade employee experience (EX) is revolutionizing workplaces. With the inward focus on employees and the big shift to remote work due to the pandemic, digital transformations in HR are a necessity but need to happen with caution. “Dirty” data, if used in boosting EX, leads to “tech-lash,” which must be avoided if we are to lead with algorithms in the workplace of the future.

Learn more from Jay and her fellow Forbes Human Resources Council members on what these vital aspects are and explain why leaders in HR ought to be aware of them.

To read the full article, click here.